BYOD Policy
Bring Your Own Device/Technology (BYOD/BYOT) Program
The use of an approved personal electronic device is a privilege, and students may be denied access at any time. Students at both the high school and middle school level are permitted to use approved personal electronic devices for educational purpose under the direction of the classroom teacher.
The following personal electronic devices are approved:
Tablets PC
Students wishing to participate in the BYOD/BYOT program must comply with the following guidelines and procedures:
Violating the conditions of State and Federal law dealing with students' and employees' rights to privacy, including unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information;
Using profanity, obscenity or other language which may be offensive to another user or intend to harass, intimidate or bully other users;
Accessing personal, social networking websites for non‐educational purposes;
Reposting (forwarding) personal communication without the authors' prior consent;
Coping commercial software and/or other materials in violation of copyright law;
Using the network for financial gain, commercial activity or for any illegal activity;
"Hacking" (intentionally accessing another user's accounts or materials without consent);
Accessing and/or viewing inappropriate material;
Employees shall not fraternize, written or verbally, with students except on subjects that pertain to educational and school-related issues;
Access of personal social networking sites during school hours is prohibited, unless for educational purposes;
All communication and information hosted on the network should be assumed to be the property of the GLSD;
Employees are prohibited from providing personal social networking website passwords to students;
District staff who have a presence on social networking websites are prohibited from posting data, documents, photographs or inappropriate information on an website that might result in a disruption of classroom activity. The Superintendent/designee has full discretion in determining when a disruption of classroom activity has occurred;
Employees shall not use technology or electronic devices to encourage the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or behavior of a sexual nature, nor shall they promote unethical practices or activities that are prohibited by law or Board policy.